We appreciate being part of an engaged community that actively brings events and activities that help attract people, drive growth and provide opportunities for everyone.
Here’s what we heard in survey responses:
“I appreciate how everyone is closer than in a bigger city, and our students are more friendly and we all know each other. The big events like homecoming, the Memorial Day service, and the Scarecrow Festival involve everyone and are just nice to be at. It’s also easy to be involved in the community.”
“I think continuing to offer activities many normally might go out of town for is awesome, such as Hometown Christmas, 4th of July, etc. Doing things to continue supporting and promoting the businesses and restaurants also keeps people in town, which is great.”
“I would love to see our community grow! New pool, new parts to the school, new athletic facility, new families coming to join our town!”
“I love the way the community comes together. We have several wonderful events currently, such as Hometown Christmas, Scarecrow Festival, 4th of July, just to name a few.”
“I love the small town sense of community during events.”
“I’d like to see continued growth in people and businesses, community events to be better attended and to see volunteerism be the new pandemic in our community!!”
“I want to see a growing community with more opportunities for residents of all ages. Build a culture of celebrating positive news and encouraging success of businesses, students and more.”
“I love how community members are always there for one another. We have a ‘think outside of the box’ attitude that helps everyone to thrive.”
“Growth. I feel like we've got a lot of people that want this, but might not know where to start or how to help. Myself included.”
“I’d like to see continuation of and strong support for our events and holiday rituals to come together as a community.”
“I hope more people will get involved in all aspects: government, social clubs, church, development. It seems like the same handful of people are keeping things going.”
“Continue building fun traditions that our families and kids can enjoy.”
“So many people come together to work to keep our community a great place to live and work.”
Ideas we've heard:
More community events
More summer activities for kids
Better communication to all residents about activities and events, positive news
New athletic facilities - gym, track
Assisted living center
More organizations
Community marquee/signage coming into town
Build a community center
Welcome new families
Addition to library
Longer hours for events and activities
More activities in Westfield
Paved parking at golf course
Develop and implement a strategic plan for the community
Increase housing options
More community education and adult education programs
Improve and add facilities – add on to library, build skatepark, community center
Improve athletic facilities like youth fields, a soccer field, paved track for students and community